Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sick Wisp

While I can say with complete honesty I feel like being sick is one of the worst things in life, there is some good that comes out of it. Usually when I am really sick, my mind starts to act really funny. Maybe the virus moves into my brain or something. Whatever the reason is, my thought process gets flipped upside down which is very frightening and annoying, but can lead to some interesting wisps.

One such wisp that I have been holding on to since last night is related to being sick. While I was laying on my back trying to distract myself from my sinus pressure enough for fall asleep. I started to think how nice it would be to able to recover from illness and injury in a fluid tank. Sci-fi junkies may remember a "bacta tank" in Star Wars where Luke Skywalker recovers from over exposure to the elements on planet Hoth. Similarly, Dragon Ball Z uses a similar tank to help warriors recover from battle.

I would love to just go to sleep in a encompassed by a warm liquid. Hooked up with a breathing apparatus, I could just float there sleeping while the toxins and bacteria get expelled through my pores and my body takes in electrolytes and fluids further aiding the recovery process. Warm, relaxing and good for you. Sounds like a dream come true for me right now.

Until this technology is perfected though, I might have to make due with a hot shower, and maybe if I am lucky a visit to a hot spring.

I know it's a little lonely right now little wisp, but I'll bring more. After all I know there are quite a few of your sick wisp buddies with me right now. So just be patient and don't disappear.

A new partition

My life seems to be made up of several partitions, that is, divisions of my mind and spirit depending on the time of year and my physical location. My previous blog focused on one of my partitions, my time in Japan, and because of it's specificity it lacked the ability to accept other aspects of my life. I am creating this blog with the hopes that it can catch some of the ideas that would otherwise fall through the cracks.

A will-o'-the-wisp is a good description of those ideas that light up my mind at night while I am laying in bed, then so easily extinguish from memory like they never existed. Please help to make this page a comfortable home for the will-o'-the-wisps so that they will want to come live here. And please feel free to release some of your own wisps here too if you feel inclined.

A will-o'-the-wisp (according to wikipedia at least) has a lot of connotations of leading people astray or being associated with the devil. Understandable because folk lore usually is about the devil. But I think we all need to be led off the beaten path from time to time in life. At least I know I do. So next time I see a ghost light in the mossy forest of my imagination, I am going to follow it and catch it and release it back onto this page. Enjoy.

"Will o´ the Wisp" by Leif Eriksson
Taken from