Monday, March 1, 2010

Moon Wisp

It really is amazing how so much can happen in such a short amount of time. It really has not been that long since my last entry but so much of my life has changed.

I love looking at the moon every night. It is refreshing to see the way the moon is constantly changing, yet is cyclical so you know you wont be getting any curve balls. I think it was a full moon yesterday. So for the last couple of days I have had the pleasure of being able to stare into a big bright moon every night. What makes it more special, it has been cold at night and the moon has been so bright that it has been creating moon halos.

If you want to read up on it more check out this wiki page

If not just look at this picture:

All of this full moon business made me wonder about the werewolf legend. I can understand about there being a supernatural feeling of a full moon hanging in the sky. I just think that it isn't the optimal time to transform. The night of the full moon is the night where the whole forest may be lit up from the full moon, making it easier for humans to spot a werewolf. Maybe because the night of the full moon was the only night that humans could see the werewolf, they assumed that it was the only night that werewolves appeared, leading to the legend that they appeared only once a month during a full moon.

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