Sunday, October 3, 2010

The wisp with not enough magic

I have a lot of things to do, as do many people in this world. But I feel like I can't do as much as some people without getting extremely tired. Last week was the first full week of school and it was craziness for me. School didn't go very late and I have no part time job, so why don't I have time to do everything? Homework wasn't over whelming but I felt so tired by the end of the day that I slept or just lazed around. The day ended and I started again. Last week I was supposed to write many cover letters for some internships I want to apply for but I did none of that. It is Sunday night now and though I was determined to write at least two, I only got part of one written (not very well) and yet I feel tired and want to go to bed. There are some people in this world who can function on 5 hours of sleep and work all through the day. I am so envious of those types, and would love to do that, but if I tried I am sure that my body would fall apart.

I wish I knew where my planner was. I feel like my life would suddenly get so much more organized if I had that.

I feel like the N64 that is set up in my living room is a horrible distraction. I wish that when I wanted to relax, I would read a book or listen to some music or something enlightened like that. But of course I turn to video games. Reading uses my brain too I suppose, and when I rest I just want to turn off my mind. I don't like that though, I want to change that habit.

What else? There are a lot talented writers out there, I have seen a couple blogs that are really nice. I wonder where they get the time to write like that. Or maybe they are just so talented that it comes out quickly.

I found this on youtube and I like it.

Parties aren't fun when I am sober. Especially not fun when I piss everyone off.

The ear plugs that I like to buy switched materials I think and they are not the same.

Recently my dreams have just been repeats of what happens in real life. I wonder if I am losing my imagination. That would be really depressing.

Maybe I have diabetes

I am seeing people differently recently. Which is nice, but it is also frightening me. I think that means that I am changing. A few key actors in my life have been displaying behavior that is unpredictable and unexpected making me realize that I tend to assume I know how everyone is going to act.

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